Application for Assistance under The Kerala stressed MSMEs Revival _ Rehabilitation Scheme
Construction of investment Promotion Facilities Cell at State Level _ District Levels
Enclosures for Rehabilitation Scheme
Entrepreneur Support Scheme - Guidelines
Entrepreneur Support Scheme - Sanctioned Orders
Guidelines and Application Form for the Assistance under ASHA
Guidelines of State Sponsored Cluster Development Programme (SS-CDP)
Guidelines on Entrepreneurship Development Club - Circular
Implementation of Kearla Stressed MSMEs Revival _ Rehabilitation Scheme
Kerala Investment Promotion and Facilitation Ordinance
Kerala Khadi _ Village Industries Board – Honey purchase- reg(Malyalam)
Public-procurement-policy-msme state
Scheme for Embroidery Employees - Guidelines - orders (Malyalam)
Skilled-Entrepreneur-Development-Programme (Malyalam)
Start up Subsidy re-imbursement of ESI _ EPF Contribution of the employer
SURABHI - Implementation of Project Proposal- Setting up of common facility service centre in Handicraft Clusters - Administrative Sanction
The Kerala stressed MSMEs Revival _ Rehabilitation Scheme
Vyavasaya Bhadratha- a special package of relief schemes and financial assistance for Micro Small medium Enterprises in the wake of Covid -2019 Orders.PDF